Some time ago, I shot Adam Court (“AJ”) nude at the studio in London. With a range of images (some of which are found in my portfolio), I had to work out how they could be presented. Initially, as single-shots, they worked on their own and images such as this were really distinctive…
However, this still left me with a *lot* of images we’d shot on the floor, trying to capture nude movement, but in an artistic way. So…
- Step 1 : swap the warmth of the wooden floor for the relative cold of a black and white conversion.
- Step 2 : select a few as a “series” that work together and finally…
- Step 3 : somehow try to stitch them together in a way that works.
Now, with all that said – what do you think?
Oh, and before scrolling down – warning, nudity (ish) – but yes, it’s been blurred out from the shot in this post otherwise I’d get in trouble with those nasty “corporate content filters”! 😉
Of course, don’t forget to check out many more images in my portfolio – where Adam now features!