Head Above Water Paul Reiffer ABIPP BIPP 2012 Professional Photography Awards Bronze Winner

International Photography Awards – My Submission

It’s that time of year again – the “awards season”. Ready with my entries for both the BIPP and RPS, I have decided this year that I won’t be submitting anything into the UK “Landscape Photographer of the Year” and instead divert that time, energy and money into a different (and in my view) more substantial competition:  The International Photography Awards 2011.  While the UK Landscape competition is strong, when I look at the panel […]

Baskit Underwear Male Model Bobby Chan - Professional London Photographer Photos Paul Reiffer

Baskit Underwear & Swimwear Test Shooting

During the past few months, I’ve been test shooting several new male models with a range of underwear and swimwear from Ken Loo at Baskit – a very successful Australian underwear and swimwear brand. So, having shot a reasonable amount of the range they sent in to the studio – I figured it was about time I introduced the world to some of the models along with a small selection of Baskit’s range 🙂 Without delay, here […]

ChrisJon - New York Model - Paul Reiffer Photographer

The New York Sessions – Models in the Empire State

As part of my “flying visit” to New York, I shot three male models at the Empire Studios – ran by its fantastic owner Romeo, who is also a very accomplished artist.  Working with Chris as our session’s makeup artist, and Ben assisting, we shot from 10am through until 4.  First up – PJ: Shooting a mixture of images on the roof as well as the studio – we worked with a variety of setups […]

Olly Murs - Portsmouth - Tour - Paul Reiffer - Professional London Photographer - X-Factor

Olly Murs – The Tour

The sound of screaming kids isn’t exactly on the top of my list of wishes – but it turns out I judged Olly’s tour all wrong.  It seems, strangely, that when Mr Murs plays a gig the sound of the screaming kids is drowned out by… the sound of their screaming mums! Yes, it seems he attracts quite a range of fans to say the least 🙂 Trying not to upset the front row too […]

The Chocolate Box - Studios - Paul Reiffer, Professional London Photographer Model Portfolios

The Chocolate Box

Back at the end of March, I decided to shoot some personal projects that I’d been considering for some time.  The only problem is, when you shoot a lot in the same studio or same surroundings, you end up with images that can look very similar.  To make sure my own projects didn’t end up looking the same, I wanted to try something : shooting in another studio across town. Enter: The Chocolate Factory Studios […]

Maya Bay Koh Phi Phi Le Leh Don Phuket Krabi Thailand Longtail Long Tail Boats Fishermen Silhouette Storm Clouds Paul Reiffer Professional Photographer

The Hunt for Maya Bay, Phi Phi Leh – “The Beach”

Having taken almost an entire day getting from the (stunning) luxury of the Hansar resort in Koh Samui, we arrived at Laem Tong in Phi Phi pretty late in the evening.  While it was a chore getting there (involving a car to the airport, flight, car from airport, ferry, long tail boat transfer) it wasn’t Phi Phi Don I was here to see – it was the smaller sibling, Phi Phi Leh which we the target […]

Fine Art Limited Edition Print Wall Corporate Decoration Interior Design Paul Reiffer Photographer Photography High End Landscape Cityscape Buy Own Investment Road Trip Joshua Tree NPS

US National Park Service – Joshua Tree Images

Great news – some of the images I captured when visiting Joshua Tree National Park last year are now being used by the US National Park Service themselves in their 75th anniversary brochures. The shot below being used on the first page of their new visiting guide… This is the first of several that were shot, hopefully it brings a little bit of colour to all of their visitors to Joshua Tree during this year […]

Andy Neate - BTCC Team Aon Ford Goodwood | Paul Reiffer - Photographer

Andy Neate – Goodwood BTCC Shoot

This is Andy Neate. For 2011, he’s joined Tom Chilton at Aon/Ford in the British Touring Car Championship, having overcome an absolutely horrendous injury in 2008. Back then, he nearly ended up paralysed from the neck down, having sustained pretty much what Christopher Reeve had to deal with only this was at 150mph. When Andy contacted me for a shoot, I honestly had no idea about the background to this incredible guy – but there […]

Paul Reiffer - Photographer | Model : Gemma Elizabeth June, Levi, Lick Underwear

What Gemma did…

As part of a shoot for Lick (and also to make use of some samples sent across from BaskIt), I shot London-based model Gemma Elizabeth June a short while back – in both solo images as well as those for Lick as a “couple”. While the couples shoot went really well (some great chemistry between her and both male models we were using), some of the solo shots we captured after the main shoot were […]

Paul Reiffer Gigs Music Portfolio Ed Sheeran Olly Murrs Boys Like Girls Alexandra Burke Concerts Photography Night Event

Alexandra Burke – The All Night Long Tour

What a fantastic night – shooting Alexandra Burke’s Wolverhampton gig with Rebel Mic Stands! For those of you who don’t know Rebel, they’re the guys who make custom stands for a lot of the music industry – including this absolutely amazing stand that was custom built with metal roses for Kids In Glass Houses.  And yes, Alexandra has her own as well… 🙂 Mid-way through her tour, we caught her in the Midlands for the […]

Suicide Girls - Kelly Jayne Story - Paul Reiffer Photographer London

It’s all a bit too quiet! – Kelly-Jayne Storey, Suicide Girl

Yeah, I know – it’s been a bit quiet in here of late, so I’m taking the opportunity to give everyone a bit of an update now (yes, on Valentine’s day!). So a quick run-down on what’s been going on perhaps? Well, why not…? 😉 To begin with, I’ve got new updates from Suicide-Girl model Kelly-Jayne – including some pretty cool shots like the ones below! Then, there’s the updates to the model portfolio shoots […]

Lick Underwear Attitude Advert February Steve Stephen Box 2011

Latest Attitude Advert for Lick Underwear – February

Here it is – the third and final of the current series of Steve Box adverts for Lick Underwear – appearing in Attitude magazine next month. Previous ads had been studio shots with calculated lighting.  This one, however, used nothing more than a skylight from above and some pretty “down to earth” surroundings provided by a very helpful local bar…  It’s certainly a lot grittier than the images used in the two before – let’s […]

St Catherine's Chapel Abbotsbury Weymouth Portland Bill - Paul Reiffer - Photographer

Hive Beach – On a winter’s afternoon

Two birds with one stone today: Number one, to get out and about shooting some landscapes in England for fun (I haven’t done that for a couple months now) and number two, to visit some places that are (embarrassingly) just down the road to which I’ve never been. So, Hive Beach is today’s focal point. On the way, I passed a stunning view of both St Catherine’s Chapel in Abbotsbury as well as the Fleet […]

Rome - Altare della Patria | Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II | Paul Reiffer - Photographer

Rome Revisited

In what turned out to be a somewhat bittersweet trip, my latest trip to Rome allowed me to photograph some “non-standard” shots instead of focusing on the main tourist landmarks as my previous (and first) visit had done.  The “bittersweet” part?  Well, who can forget the stranded thousands due to the snow at London’s Heathrow airport – unfortunately, British Airways seem to be in the list of those who can, as for all they know […]

Lick Underwear Attitude Magazine Advert January Paul Reiffer Photographer Stephen Box

Attitude Magazine Ad Preview – January for Lick Underwear

Yup, that’s right – it’s the second in the “Lick Underwear” series, featuring Steve Box as the underwear model.  Following the success of December’s campaign, Lick are there again in the next issue with a very different style of photograph from the last.  This time, shot with an intentional blow-out using a backlight behind the frame Steve is stood within, the focus is purely on the “Union Hipster” that he’s wearing. So, that’s January sorted […]

The Wanted - Paul Reiffer, Photographer

The Wanted – Before they were famous…

That’s right, “The Wanted” were seen through my lens some time ago, just before they hit the charts and certainly before they were known to the extent they are now. Now, I’m not going to lie – to say I’m not exactly The Wanted’s biggest fan would be fair.  But hey, in June this year, the band members were singing and dancing in front of my lens to their first single “All Time Low”, and […]

Joshua Tree National Park - Paul Reiffer - Landscape photography

The Return to Joshua Tree

Yes, it got to me. Not even two days after visiting Joshua Tree National Park, the fact I hadn’t seen the “big arch” finally made me crack. So, rental car on order, I finally managed to hunt down where it was through Google maps/earth/images…  So, maps and iPhone in-pocket, I set out through Joshua Tree (the town) and hit the park through the same entrance Chuck and I had used two days prior. This time, […]

Fine Art Limited Edition Print Wall Corporate Decoration Interior Design Paul Reiffer Photographer Photography High End Landscape Cityscape Buy Keys View Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree National Park with Chuck

Yesterday, Chuck and I headed to Joshua Tree National Park just before sunset to see if the light would play nice and allow me to capture some cool colours against all the rocks and landscapes in the park.  Although we got there a little later than planned, I got to use my ND filter for the first time since the summer, and the sky didn’t disappoint… First off, where is it?  Well – here’s a […]

Adam Court - Nude series - Paul Reiffer Photographer Fashion London

Adam Court – the art nude series

Some time ago, I shot Adam Court (“AJ”) nude at the studio in London. With a range of images (some of which are found in my portfolio), I had to work out how they could be presented. Initially, as single-shots, they worked on their own and images such as this were really distinctive… However, this still left me with a *lot* of images we’d shot on the floor, trying to capture nude movement, but in […]

Attitude Magazine Lick Advert Steve Box - Paul Reiffer Photographer

In next month’s Attitude Magazine…

Say hello to Lick Underwear’s new advert – featuring their fresh new fitness model for 2010. Shot in the studio back in September, this isn’t the only media outlet that will be showcasing both the image series (yes, there are more) as well as their model’s abilities over the next month… For more info on Lick Underwear – click here (and remember, you can use the 20% discount code in the advert above too!)

Aled Phillips Kids in Glass Houses

Kids In Glass Houses & Boys Like Girls

Cool – the latest shots from the Kids In Glass Houses gig on 12th November are finally in the Gigs section of my portfolio! What an amazing night of music, and a photo pass meant I could get up really close to grab some fantastic shots.  Not all of the images are stored in my portfolio, but here’s a quick preview of some of the others just in case I missed some good ones… 😉 […]

RIP old site

Woah – What HAPPENED?!?

OK, so you MAY have noticed the minor make-over of the site… “Minor?!” I hear you say? Well, maybe it’s a little more than a minor change… Don’t worry – all of my portfolio pictures are still there (only now, they’re in a better gallery) plus there’s a few more treats uploaded within the portfolio pages for you to find 🙂 So why the change?  Well, lots of reasons… 1) I began using my facebook […]