
Shooting the W Retreat Maldives Header Image

Back at the W – Shooting the W Retreat Maldives

Welcome to the W Retreat Maldives – where one of the coolest hotel brands in the world meets paradise on earth. (As you can imagine, it’s a great combination!). Building on the shoots we did at the amazing W Retreat Koh Samui last year, I headed out to the Maldives to photograph the talent team there with the Starwood digital marketing team. Now I’m not going to lie – paradise or not, the warning email I got […]

feature image peraquum divers andreas franke sinking world art huvafen fushi niyama maldives

Phantasy Fairytale Underwater Exhibition at Huvafen Fushi & Niyama Maldives

What happens when you mix an award-winning artist, the world’s first underwater spa, the world’s first underwater nightclub, the luxury of the Maldives and the creativity of the Per Aquum brand? Simple – a unique underwater exhibition titled “Phantasy Fairytale” – a collaboration between two amazing hotels and Andreas Franke, the artist responsible for previous underwater galleries such as his work on “The Sinking World”. Looking back at my blog, in part I feel sad […]

Fine Art Limited Edition Print Wall Corporate Decoration Interior Design Paul Reiffer Photographer Photography High End Landscape Cityscape Buy Backstage Hollywood

Some Recently Published Images – Thanks to my friends!

I still find it strange how much I rely on my friends around the world to let me know when images I’ve shot have made it out into the wild. Although the use of images is obviously something we negotiate all the time, exactly when and where they will turn up is quite often a mystery, and the past month or two has been no exception. Take my shot of the Hollywood sign, for example. […]

What Digital Camera Magazine Paul Reiffer Horseshoe Bend Landscape Opening Shot Winner Double Page Spread Great Outdoors Competition July August 2013

What Digital Camera Magazine – The Horseshoe Bend Landscape

So this is the latest publication to feature the shot I took of Horseshoe Bend, AZ, last year – What Digital Camera Magazine. 🙂 This follows press coverage in the Times, the Daily Mail, The Guardian, Metro and many others who over the past month have picked up on the images which were submitted to the Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photography’s panel earlier this year. Sadly, being in China (and hearing about this double-page […]

W Retreat Koh Samui Talent People Shots WooBar Infinity Pool Pods Bar Gulf Thailand

W Retreat Koh Samui – Photographing the Team at the W

Welcome back to the W 🙂 That stunning view, above, was part of what prompted me to write about the W Retreat Koh Samui in February, after I returned from an amazing stay there. Realising that what made the place so special was in no small part down to the the talent of the staff at the retreat, Nick (the general manager) and I got talking… W Hotels pride themselves on being cool, hip, and vibrant […]

Danny Denkmayer Playing It Straight Channel 4 Lick Underwear Topless Photo Paul Reiffer Photographer Professional Couch

Danny Denkmayer – Channel 4’s Playing It Straight Finalist Underwear Shoot

This is Danny Denkmayer – one of the final four in Channel 4 and E4’s hit TV show “Playing It Straight“. The 2012 Series 2 contestant spent the series at Hacienda de los Hombres in Spain before being eliminated in the final episode. So – why was he in the studio? Simple : we were shooting for another set of adverts for Attitude, and the boys at Lick had drafted him in 🙂 He does however, […]

Dino and Georgio Geodiades - The Only Way Is Essex TOWIE Twins - photo shoot - topless photography - male models - Paul Reiffer Professional Photographer London

Dino and Georgio, the TOWIE twins shoot Lick’s Attitude Magazine Ad

The Only Way Is Essex’s Dino and Georgio Geogiades headed down to Meadows Farm along with a few of the other “Lick guys” to shoot for the new “fit as” Lick Underwear campaign last month – and what a great laugh the guys were 🙂 Shooting the day after your birthday is probably not the best of ideas – a bad head is extremely likely. Luckily, having spent the night before in Birmingham (which has […]

Winterborne Muston Farm Rapeseed Field - Paul Reiffer - Professional Photographer - Dorset Landscapes

Where did the sunshine go…?

Wow, it’s been a looooooong time since I wrote on here – and for that, I can only apologise. Those following me on facebook and twitter will know that it’s been a crazy busy few months, but I know that’s no excuse for not checking in on here every now and then. So tonight, I was planning to grab a few pictures of the 99% full moon – but instead the somewhat permanent feature of rain […]

Sam (Samuel) Kneen - Male Fitness Underwear Model and Mr Gay UK Cardiff - Paul Reiffer, Professional London Photographer

Say Hello To Sam – Mr Gay UK from Cardiff

This is Sam Kneen – a current finalist in the overall “Mr Gay UK” competition which has seen its fair share of interesting publicity during the 20 or so years that it’s been around. The first image I uploaded of him onto Facebook prompted quite a few comments, and as a relatively inexperienced model, he’s certainly got a strong enough look to go far in the industry. We actually shot this series after completing a […]

Attitude Magazine Look Book Fashion Edition for Lick Male Mens Underwear - Paul Reiffer, Professional London Photographer

The Lick Look Book – Attitude’s Fashion Edition 2011

Aside from all of the standard full-page adverts that Lick have been running each month in Attitude Magazine, for November, a special fashion edition is being launched. Not only will this feature in the next edition of the magazine, but a special iPad edition of the contributing ranges is being released – so here’s a selection of the range that Lick have got embedded into the 2011 “Look Book”, featuring a lot of their new […]

Lick Underwear Attitude Magazine advert with Nathan male model - Paul Reiffer Photographer

The latest Attitude Magazine ad for Lick Underwear – Feedback wanted!

The latest in the 2011-12 series of underwear adverts for Lick is just about coming out of Photoshop, but this month, there’s a little bit more time to make some adjustments. So, we’re back to the shoot we did with Nathan a few months ago – this time for the “fashion/style” edition of Attitude that’s coming up. Keeping it simple (and not quite so obvious as the previous jockstrap campaign) the current proposal is to […]

Baskit Action Cool Orange Underwear male

Baskit : Male Underwear and Swimwear – it’s competition time!

Who’s up for winning some FREE Baskit products of their choosing?  If that’s you, read on… 😉 My sample pack of their new range arrived this week, ready to shoot with some cool new models – along with an idea from the boys at Baskit : Let’s get some ideas from customers for the photo shoot, and reward them with some free products of their own to keep! Born in 1999, Baskit is a clothing […]

Lick Attitude Magazine Advert Model Nathan Jockstrap Male Underwear Essex - Paul Reiffer - Professional London Photographer

Lick – The latest male underwear shoot. Model – Nathan

It’s that time again, when Lick underwear‘s new range has arrived and so it’s out with the old and in with the new – starting with a new launch advert in the September edition of Attitude for their new lines: Last year’s successful campaign in Attitude mag made a lot of use of one model in particular – so it was time for the guys at Lick to find some new models to shoot the […]

Head Above Water Paul Reiffer ABIPP BIPP 2012 Professional Photography Awards Bronze Winner

International Photography Awards – My Submission

It’s that time of year again – the “awards season”. Ready with my entries for both the BIPP and RPS, I have decided this year that I won’t be submitting anything into the UK “Landscape Photographer of the Year” and instead divert that time, energy and money into a different (and in my view) more substantial competition:  The International Photography Awards 2011.  While the UK Landscape competition is strong, when I look at the panel […]

Baskit Underwear Male Model Bobby Chan - Professional London Photographer Photos Paul Reiffer

Baskit Underwear & Swimwear Test Shooting

During the past few months, I’ve been test shooting several new male models with a range of underwear and swimwear from Ken Loo at Baskit – a very successful Australian underwear and swimwear brand. So, having shot a reasonable amount of the range they sent in to the studio – I figured it was about time I introduced the world to some of the models along with a small selection of Baskit’s range 🙂 Without delay, here […]

Andy Neate - BTCC Team Aon Ford Goodwood | Paul Reiffer - Photographer

Andy Neate – Goodwood BTCC Shoot

This is Andy Neate. For 2011, he’s joined Tom Chilton at Aon/Ford in the British Touring Car Championship, having overcome an absolutely horrendous injury in 2008. Back then, he nearly ended up paralysed from the neck down, having sustained pretty much what Christopher Reeve had to deal with only this was at 150mph. When Andy contacted me for a shoot, I honestly had no idea about the background to this incredible guy – but there […]

Paul Reiffer - Photographer | Model : Gemma Elizabeth June, Levi, Lick Underwear

What Gemma did…

As part of a shoot for Lick (and also to make use of some samples sent across from BaskIt), I shot London-based model Gemma Elizabeth June a short while back – in both solo images as well as those for Lick as a “couple”. While the couples shoot went really well (some great chemistry between her and both male models we were using), some of the solo shots we captured after the main shoot were […]

Suicide Girls - Kelly Jayne Story - Paul Reiffer Photographer London

It’s all a bit too quiet! – Kelly-Jayne Storey, Suicide Girl

Yeah, I know – it’s been a bit quiet in here of late, so I’m taking the opportunity to give everyone a bit of an update now (yes, on Valentine’s day!). So a quick run-down on what’s been going on perhaps? Well, why not…? 😉 To begin with, I’ve got new updates from Suicide-Girl model Kelly-Jayne – including some pretty cool shots like the ones below! Then, there’s the updates to the model portfolio shoots […]

Lick Underwear Attitude Advert February Steve Stephen Box 2011

Latest Attitude Advert for Lick Underwear – February

Here it is – the third and final of the current series of Steve Box adverts for Lick Underwear – appearing in Attitude magazine next month. Previous ads had been studio shots with calculated lighting.  This one, however, used nothing more than a skylight from above and some pretty “down to earth” surroundings provided by a very helpful local bar…  It’s certainly a lot grittier than the images used in the two before – let’s […]

Lick Underwear Attitude Magazine Advert January Paul Reiffer Photographer Stephen Box

Attitude Magazine Ad Preview – January for Lick Underwear

Yup, that’s right – it’s the second in the “Lick Underwear” series, featuring Steve Box as the underwear model.  Following the success of December’s campaign, Lick are there again in the next issue with a very different style of photograph from the last.  This time, shot with an intentional blow-out using a backlight behind the frame Steve is stood within, the focus is purely on the “Union Hipster” that he’s wearing. So, that’s January sorted […]

Attitude Magazine Lick Advert Steve Box - Paul Reiffer Photographer

In next month’s Attitude Magazine…

Say hello to Lick Underwear’s new advert – featuring their fresh new fitness model for 2010. Shot in the studio back in September, this isn’t the only media outlet that will be showcasing both the image series (yes, there are more) as well as their model’s abilities over the next month… For more info on Lick Underwear – click here (and remember, you can use the 20% discount code in the advert above too!)