Post Tagged with: "Blog"

Phase One Brand Ambassador Profile Page Capture One Paul Reiffer Photographer Professional Online

Say Hello to the New Phase One & Capture One Brand Ambassadors

Well, the news is now official – the brand new lineup of Phase One & Capture One Brand Ambassadors has landed, and I’m very pleased to be counted among this amazing group of 13 photographers from around the world. With the website launched this month, we’re bringing an entirely new presence to the post-production software space with a mix of photographers who use Phase One hardware as well as those who utilise cameras from other […]

RIP old site

Woah – What HAPPENED?!?

OK, so you MAY have noticed the minor make-over of the site… “Minor?!” I hear you say? Well, maybe it’s a little more than a minor change… Don’t worry – all of my portfolio pictures are still there (only now, they’re in a better gallery) plus there’s a few more treats uploaded within the portfolio pages for you to find 🙂 So why the change?  Well, lots of reasons… 1) I began using my facebook […]