Post Tagged with: "City"

Curtain Call By Paul Reiffer Hollywood Sign From Behind Los Angeles LA Night Not For Resale Non Commercial Peter Lik Hollywood Nights

Curtain Call – Free download : Hollywood Sign Image

Some call it a “Black Friday Sale”; Others call it a moment of madness; I call it “giving something back” (as you’ll read more about below). However, regardless of the reason, you’re not reading the title wrong – You can download, for free, one of my latest digital images for personal use. 😉 Proudly presenting… “Curtain Call”: Clicking the image above, or clicking here, will download the lower-resolution version (suitable for desktop backgrounds, 3,000 x 2,000 px). Clicking on this […]

featured image bye bye shanghai china night cityscape pudong skyline tower oriental pearl jin mao swfc

Bye Bye Shanghai – Leaving “home” after 3 years in China

Well, that’s it! After 3 long years being based in Shanghai, this is one of the last images I captured of this amazing skyline. In the illuminated cityscapes I’ve now shot so many times, it’s easy to forget about all the problems, issues, health effects and frustrations that come as a downside to living in such a rapidly expanding metropolis – at least the view’s amazing! But stood on top of yet another amazing rooftop location, I […]

KLCC Fountains Park Night Petronas Towers KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Paul Reiffer Photographer Landscape Cityscape City

It’s not “haze”, it’s Deadly Pollution : Malaysia, Truly Asia…

“Malaysia, truly Asia” – The jingle on the TV ad, plane intro’s and travel programmes that I’ve been hearing for years and years really did come true last week – and not only for all the good reasons they intended… I’m sat writing this blog beneath bright blue skies and a fresh breeze in Bali – and with all of that above me, it’s too easy to forget the horrendous conditions I left behind in Kuala Lumpur last […]

tokyo tower japan constitution memorial day rainbow lights night paul reiffer professional cityscape landscape photography photographer andaz hotel

Japan 2015 – Capturing the Tokyo Tower from the Andaz Rooftop

Tokyo – what a truly amazing place. Full of modern innovation, side by side with centuries of culture and history. It’s one of my favourite cities in the world, and despite visiting a few times (I’ve climbed Mount Fuji twice now!) – it was another tick off the list to head back there and capture an iconic image of the skyline before I leave Asia for a while. The standard stereotypes can actually be pretty accurate […]

featured square image wpp nasdaq paul reiffer tiny planets low res brandz video wall display july 2015 marketsite tower times square new york

Tiny Planets meet NASDAQ in Times Square, New York, with WPP

From the tallest buildings in the world to the largest permanent video screen on earth – My “Tiny Planets” series has managed to make it on Broadway! At 7 storeys high, the MarketSite Tower on the corner of Times Square was broadcasting my images on Thursday to millions as part of NASDAQ’s celebration of WPP’s “Brandz Top 100” 10-year anniversary. With their CEO, Martin Sorrell, in attendance for the occasion this was a big day for […]

Shanghai Tower Tallest Building China 632m Bottle Opener Jin Mao SWFC World Financial Center Highest Phase One Skyscrapers Megascrapers Paul Reiffer Photographer Photograph night

The Shanghai Tower – The highest place in the world that a Phase One has ever visited!

At the time of writing, this is literally the highest platform that a Phase One system has ever been in the world – pretty cool! Being able to capture the view below in 80 megapixels of definition is amazing, and the level of detail I managed to record (despite the circumstances you’ll soon read about below!) still surprises me. This might even become my new desktop background for little while 😉 Looking down on two of the world’s tallest […]

daily mail featured image square

Daily Mail Feature – Cityscapes at Night

It’s every photographer’s nightmare: “That email” from somebody telling you they’ve seen your work published in a place you didn’t know about. Usually this results in a sunken heart, some stern letters and frustration that yet another person has taken your work without permission. So, when I clicked the message from Joey yesterday, it was not only a huge relief – but also a pleasant surprise. It seems an agency I’ve been working with has […]

dubai burj khalifa road intersection freeway UAE night cityscape skyline skyscrapers downtown city of gold image copyright paul reiffer no reproduction permitted

Burj Khalifa – The Jewel in the Crown of Dubai, City of Gold

It doesn’t matter how many rooftops I’ve photographed from, whenever I’m in a new city I always get that “wow” moment when I look across the skyline for the first time – and this was no exception. From the top of a building (which was, in fairness, extremely tall in its own right!), I set up on the ledge and started clicking. Sadly, jpeg compression doesn’t do this image enough justice on-screen, but the tones of the sky and detail in […]

The Morning After Sydney Opera House Sunrise Paul Reiffer Professional Landscape Photographer Long Exposure Golden Harbour Australia

Back Down-Under : Sydney Cityscapes Revisited

I’m rapidly becoming a huge fan of Sydney. This was the first place I ever visited in Australia, and while there are obviously many more beautiful places across the country to see, Sydney will always be the place that impressed me first. My visit earlier in 2014 gave me the chance to shoot some unique (lucky!) images of the Opera House at sunrise as well as overnight during Chinese New Year – but this time, my trip […]

New York Combined Montage City Cityscape Skyscrapers Paul Reiffer Photographer Professional Landscapes Manhattan

New York City – The 2014 Manhattan Cityscapes

“The City that Never Sleeps”, “Gotham City”, “The Big Apple”, “Empire City”, “The City of Dreams”, “New Amsterdam”, “The Melting Pot” – to everyone that visits or lives in this incredible city, the place leaves a lasting memory that means something different. One thing that is common to all who visit or wake up in this amazing place is the sheer sense of wonder as you look out over the skyline – and that’s what […]

Shanghai Calling 2 Phase One Difference Nine Dragon Freeway Elevated Road Interchange Intersection Lights Blue Night City Cityscape Skyscrapers Skyline Medium Format iQ280 645DF Mamiya Paul Reiffer Professional Landscape Photographer

Shanghai Calling 2 : The Phase One Difference

It’s the one thing I promised myself I would never do after I upgraded my equipment from my Canon gear to a Phase One Medium Format system : re-shooting a cityscape I had already captured. But the lure of Shanghai’s rooftops on a clear night was just too strong, and here I found myself shooting “Shanghai Calling 2” with my 645DF+ and iQ280 digital back. Now, before I go any further, let my just clarify […]

cityscape tiny planets paul reiffer professional photographer london new york singapore auckland

Tiny Planets – Cityscape Skylines as Miniature Worlds

This is Auckland, but not as we know it 🙂 This is the “Tiny Planet” version of my cityscape from New Zealand in June this year – and while only a bit of fun, I think it looks rather cool! Spending a week or so resting at Huvafen Fushi, I finally had time to start playing with some Apps I downloaded a long while ago. While there are much better (and higher resolution) ways of […]

Polapan filter film Shanghai Elevated Freeways night cityscape light trails tomorrow square nine dragons intersection puxi from above paul reiffer professional landscape photographer china

Screaming from the rooftops – Shanghai at night

Shanghai really is a city that needs to be seen from above to be appreciated. The problem is that getting up there in the more traditional way (in a helicopter) simply isn’t possible – so there is a growing movement of photographers who (ahem) “access” rooftops with key vantage points across the city. It’s not a risk-free process by any means, but when you get up there and can look down at the pace of things […]

Auckland Hopetoun Road Spaghetti Junction Sky Tower Light Trails Traffic Freeway Night Cityscape Paul Reiffer Photographer Landscape

Auckland Revisited – From City to Coast

Approaching the city of Auckland for the second time this year, I didn’t hold out much hope for a great set of images. Based on some of the weather “challenges” we’d encountered on the south island during this trip to New Zealand, despite being lucky with a few images it seemed that Auckland’s weather wasn’t set to be much better. Still, when you’ve travelled for 12 hours to get somewhere it would be rude to […]

Phase One Homepage 9th July 2014 Paul Reiffer Professional Photographer Landscapes Cityscapes iQ280 645DF The Whole Nine Yards Hong Kong Shanghai London San Francisco

The Whole Nine Yards – Cityscapes Case Study for Phase One

The homepage of Phase One looks a little different today, as their feature on my cityscape work appears as the headline story online. 🙂 Backed by feeds on their Facebook page, galleries, email newsletters and more – this is quite some campaign to get the quality of cityscape images that can be achieved with the 645DF+ and iQ280 out there and known. A year on from my purchase of their top end Medium Format equipment, I’ve taken quite […]

Kuala Lumpur KLCC Petronas Towers Skyline Cityscape Night Light Trails City Roads Paul Reiffer Landscape Photography

Kuala Lumpur – Hospitality at the speed of light

I was asked last week, as part of a written interview, if I’d ever had to get out of my “comfort zone” in order to get the shot I wanted – the answer, of course, was “yes”, and many times over. The next question was, funnily enough, about how I approach a brand new city in terms of locations and what to shoot. So, what better than a live demonstration as answers to both questions […]

from the heavens hong kong victoria harbour skyline sunset sky paul reiffer professional landscape photographer

The Cauldron – Hong Kong’s Melting Pot

Hong Kong. The city where East truly meets West, and what an amazing recipe it has for a burst of culture and style. “Reach” – print available to buy now As a result of living in Shanghai, Hong Kong becomes easily accessible and such a Mecca for photography it simply can’t be ignored (and the tax free purchases can’t be sniffed at either 😉 ). Having spent some decent amounts of time in the city, […]

Over The Rainbow Shanghai Nanpu Bridge Long Exposure Night LED Lights Paul Reiffer Professional Landscape Photographer City Skyscrapers

Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Shanghai’s Nanpu Bridge

As always, the most frustrating images to capture are also the most rewarding. At 7pm on New Year’s Eve, this is the night shot I was taking from a nearby rooftop looking out over Shanghai’s “Nanpu Bridge”. “Over The Rainbow” – print available to buy now The bridge is one of two spans which link the two sides of the city – PuDong and PuXi. Not only is the HangPu river one of the busiest […]

electric city paul reiffer shanghai landscape cityscape professional photographs night

Shanghai – Electri-City : Phase One Long Exposures

Shanghai’s Pudong skyline – once the home to two of the tallest skyscrapers in the world is soon to be the home of 3. The neon lights of the boats running up and down the river all night circle the peninsular in electric blue while the city behind entertains passers by with its iconic light show. To give Shanghai its true credit, this is a view that really doesn’t need an expensive camera to be […]

Shanghai Jin Mao Tower Pudong Oriental Pearl Night Skyline Cityscape - Paul Reiffer Landscape Photographer

After Dark : Shanghai’s Skyscrapers at Night

Now there’s something you don’t get to see every day – the top of what was once the tallest skyscraper in a country (the Jin Mao Tower), from above, at night 🙂 By day, it’s spiky architecture is a defining part of Shanghai’s Pudong skyline – indeed, it was the key focus for another shot I took from the same building (if a little lower down) – the SWFC. This image, however, was unplanned… I’d […]

Shanghai Calling - Elevated Roads Network at Night - Julu Lu - Peoples Square - Puxi Downtown

Shanghai Calling : Freeways That Define A City From Above

THIS is the Shanghai I see. 🙂 “Shanghai Calling” – Print available to buy now Millions of images exist of the PuDong skyline taken from The Bund, the famous “Oriental Pearl Tower” now dwarfed by the presence of Jin Mao and the SWFC – indeed, I’ve even shot it myself (although granted, from a slightly different angle 😉 ) So, why would I want to shoot a road network? Well, for two reasons: 1) When […]