Post Tagged with: "Long Exposure"

Blue Hour San Francisco Transamerica Four Seasons Hotel Sunset Wider Pano View Coit Tower Golden Gate Bridge Paul Reiffer Professional Cityscape California

San Francisco, It’s Been A While – How Are You Doing…?

I’ve always felt like like cities should be seen from up high, and San Francisco is no exception. Above all the noise, above all that chaos – just sat up there on a rooftop, watching the world move along minute by minute as the sun fades to night.

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Full Total Hamburg Sky Night Paul Reiffer Professional Photographer Rooftop Holiday Inn Rollei Dark Canon 400mm DO 2018 July Red

Shoot for the Moon – Capturing the 2018 Lunar Eclipse

While eclipses of all sorts happen throughout each year – from “blood moons” to annular solar eclipses, total eclipses and every partial one in between, this year’s lunar eclipse promised something special: the longest lunar eclipse in the 21st century. So the call from Rollei came – could I come across and be involved in their live shoot on Instagram, capturing the spectacle from Hamburg? Well, why not…? With a few days’ preparation beforehand and […]

Cityscape West Boston Night City Lights Rooftop Custom House Paul Reiffer Sunset Photographer Phase One Trichromatic 100MP Panoramic Pano Detail

The Boston Rooftops – Beantown in Trichromatic Detail

So here we are again, stood on top of an historic building, looking out over the city of Boston just after sunset. What a view, and what a night. It wasn’t the night I’d been planning, to be fair – this was supposed to be a really quick trip to capture the snow that had fallen over Cape Cod – checking out Race Point Lighthouse for the first time and seeing how some new equipment […]